Playground of the Apocalypse
by Shane O’Neill The strand is ravaged by the storm that had raged for two days, uprooting weeds and hurling rocks huge distances along the beach. Large chunks of sand have been torn away by the sea, leaving small dunes and bunkers for us to traverse unsteadily. The sky is still a heavy grey and we have to squint through…
A Review of Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin’s Poetry
by Lind Grant-Oyeye A common theme in reviews of her poetry is that Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin’s work is not restricted to space or time but shifts between realms and places. In the Dublin Review, Gerard Smyth characterizes the poet as one who shifts from the material world to the otherworld [1]. She is portrayed as focusing on the metaphysical, translating…
The everyday poetry of the half-wild North-Western Irish world
Keith Brennan The ripple of birdsong has spread from the far valley and broken across the farm. If spring moves at a walking pace then perhaps the birdsong walks with it. Where we are, with the farm backed up against Hawthorn Hill, facing north, it sometimes walks a little slower still. Across the hill and down the valley, where the…
First Quarterly Issue of Trasna Released
With poems and stories by Libby Hart, Stephen O’Connor, Mike Gallagher, S. C. Flynn, Marie O’Shea and Shane Leavy. Read Issue #1 here.
Patrick Kavanagh: a Reader’s Experience
by Richard Hayes For generations of Irish readers—for this one certainly—the poetry of Patrick Kavanagh is inextricably associated with Soundings, the anthology of prescribed poetry for the Leaving Certificate English curriculum that was a staple of Irish secondary education from the end of the 1960s until the mid-1990s. Edited with sensitivity and skill by the late Augustine (“Gus”) Martin, then…
Call for Submissions
For the past two years, Trasna has served as a weekly online platform introducing American readers to the latest writing from Ireland. We have featured work from established and emerging writers, through poetry, essays, and short fiction. In all there are over 80 independent posts that can be found at Trasna.online, as well as RichardHowe.com. This year, in addition to…
about:blank by Adam Wyeth
about:blank by Adam Wyeth, is a piece of writing that both defies categorization and pays homage to the great literary innovators of the 20th and early-21st century.
“On America” and Other Poems
Trasna is pleased to announce that poet Dan Murphy will join its team of editors. This week we feature four of his poems. Whether it’s a “rusty gate in a field of rock,” or “the cream cheese on your cheek,” Murphy explores the expansive to the intimate.
Beannachtaí Trasna
In this first post on our new website we offer a blessing to all as we enter this new year of 2022. Here, Mawie Barrett, in her specially written Celtic Druid blessing weaves together connections from Ireland to Lowell and beyond.
‘Only Connect’ – An Anthology of Poetry Written During the Pandemic
This week on Trasna we feature a new publication by Beir Bua Press, ‘Only Connect,’ an anthology of poetry and prose written during the pandemic and shared weekly with a group of writers on Zoom sessions led by Margaret O’Brien